Challenge 05 - Scaling and High Availability

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Now that you have your application running there are a few things to consider. How do you make it responsive? How do you make it resilient? How do you control costs while mananging load? In this challenge, we’ll find that out.


In this challenge we will cover scale and resiliency from multiple aspects. We’ll make sure enough replicas of our container are running to handle load. We’ll make sure that there are enough resources in our cluster to handle all the containers we want to run and we’ll figure out how Kubernetes repairs itself.

Success Criteria

  1. Verify that you can scale your cluster down to 1 node.
  2. Verify that you can run 2 replicas of content-web.
  3. Verify that you can run 4 replicas of content-api.
  4. Validate that you have fixed the resource issues.

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