A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a made up of networked facilities, called Point of Presences (POPs), that form an intelligent mesh in a geographic area (regionally, nationally, or world wide based on provided) to provide enhanced delivery of “web content“ over HTTP/HTTPs.  The strength of a CDN is the ability to push the “Edge” closer to users, using the physical scale of it’s POPs and it’s private network to distribute content and load efficiently.  This helps to optimize and secure a website’s “Origin”.  

Modern web development takes full advantage of the modern Web Browsers’ (Edge, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc…) ability to participate in the dynamic nature of an application.  The use of Javascript (JS) running on the user’s Web Browser creates rich interactions, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to provide consistent and elegant presentation and style, and a variety of other supporting files (Images, Fonts, etc..) require a series of dependent web resources to be downloaded with each web page.  Which means with for each web page load there could be 100’s of requests for subsequent support files.  To make it more complex, the need for this content to be available in large geographic areas (regionally, nationally, or world wide) puts an emphasis on far away a user is from the Origin.  

This is where leveraging a CDN becomes important.  In general the basic benefits of a CDN can be categorize as either user-related or origin-related.  For all the examples, the user will be in Tokyo, Japan and the website’s “Origin” will be located in Azure’s South Central US region in the State of Texas.

User-Related benefits:

Origin-Related benefits:

Definition of terms used above:

  1. User’s device
  2. Local ISP (Internet Service Provider)  near user
  3. Regional ISP near user
  4. Network Service Provider (NSP) near user
  5. The Network Access Point (NAP) or Metropolitan Area Exchange (MAE) closest to user
  6. Continues to hop from NAP/MAE to NAP/MAE to the closest location to Origin (think City to City on the a highway system).  This can be several 
  7. Network Service Provider (NSP) near Origin
  8. Regional ISP near Origin
  9. Local ISP (Internet Service Provider)  Origin
  10. Origin
  1. User’s device
  2. Local ISP (Internet Service Provider)  near user
  3. Regional ISP near user
  4. Network Service Provider (NSP) near user
  5. CDN’s POP
  6. Direct route over the optimal path calculated by CDN’s POP
    1. If the website is using Azure CDN (Microsoft CDN Provider or Azure Front Door) and Origin is in Azure, the next hop is your Origin.
    2. If the website is either not in Azure or the website uses a different CDN Provider, then the most optimal egress point is calculated a the reverse of #1 thru #4 is traversed.