Challenge 04 - Real-time Data Pipelines

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Worldwide importers wanted to build out their data warehouse to include clickstream data. There are a number of online stores that the marketing department wants to track for campaign and online ads. These marketing users want to monitor the clickstream data and have the ability to run exploratory data analysis to support ad-hoc research. This data needs to be in real-time so the campaigns and ads are timely based on user activity in the online stores.


Build a streaming pipeline to ingest simulated click stream data into enterprise Delta Lake.

The Solution diagram is described in the text following this diagram.

Data Source:

In order to generate the source data stream for this exercise, you will need to execute sample the .Net application (Stream Generator). This code will randomly generate product related data, and write it to an Azure Event Hub.

NOTE: You can start the stream of data by executing script below in Azure Cloud Shell:

az container create -g [Resource Group Name] --name [container name] --image
whatthehackmsft/wwiclickstreamgenerator:1 --environment-variables 'hostName'='[EH Host Name]'
'sasKeyName'='RootManageSharedAccessKey' 'sasKeyValue'='[SAS Key]' 'eventHubName'='[Event Hub Name]' 

Data Sink:

Azure Databricks will run a data pipeline from Event Hubs to Delta Lake tables stored in Azure Data Lake. There is a Scala script to run in an Azure Databricks notebook that will stream data from source to sink. Go to the file and open the /Challenge04/ folder and import StreamToDelta.dbc script into Azure Databricks.

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